How to Make a Music Video - Some Tips For the Beginner

Music videos are the pinnacle of a way to be seen in the music industry. Whether it was on MTV when they actually played music or on nowadays, they've been a portal to fame and glory. Even if a song doesn't catch the listener's attention, a music video can still persuade them to like a band. Making a music video is an opportunity to get a large set of fans, but the question on every starting band's mind is, "What makes a good music video?" The answer of how to do it is so simple that it's complicated.

If you've ever watched at a music video (who honestly hasn't?), it always keeps a theme. It might be humor; maybe it's a creepy feeling. It could be a theme more specific like breaking up. I'd say a good 90% of videos follow a theme, though some videos are just random clips of them playing or doing random acts. The videos most remembered are the ones that have a purpose. This being said, step one to your music video is creating a plotline of sort. A simple thing would be to draw 9 boxes on a piece of paper, then just draw the scenes that come to your mind in the boxes. If it makes sense, it's time to move to step two.

This isn't so much of a step, as a requirement. If you're seriously thinking of having a successful music video, put a little bit of money into the camera. No one wants to watch the music video you recorded on your phone. My way to prove that point is by asking you, the reader, have you ever enjoyed watching a video your friend begged you to see on their phone? In case you didn't know, the correct answer is no.

Alright, you have your plotline, you have your music, and you're completely ready to make a music video. When you start making it a huge give away to a bad video is bad placement. If you have someone playing an amazing guitar solo with a simple drum beat, and a simple bass riff, you don't want to be recording the drummer. You have to make the guitarist in the middle of your shot with the drummer and/or the bassist behind him. The same thing goes if you have a slow romance scene. You're not going to be play heavy metal to a married couple cuddling. You'd have to match it with maybe a slower riff or a mellow sounding lick. If you don't, your music video will be closer to the whole random clip idea, which is frowned upon.

Once you have it recorded, make sure you spend time editing it. You don't want your voice to be even a half second off of the video. There are plenty of good programs out there for editing video. A lot of them are under $100. You're going to get out of the video, whatever you put into it. If you put money, effort, and time, then you will be able to harvest the sweet reward. Everything here reminds you of simple things. Yet that's the almighty secret of how to make a good music video.

About the Author

Dustin Moore has been heavily into music for the past four years, learning how to play 4 instruments very well. Everyone knows making a music video is one way to be found out in the music industry, but there are plenty of others as well. At my website [], I try to explain some other techniques and options for making money by doing what you love.